(1310-06-10) A Walk on the Beach
Summary: Augustin takes Desarae to a quiet beach in order that she can have some time away from the city. Talk touches on the many things she'll now need to turn her education towards. Scene ongoing.
RL Date: Sat Jun 09, 1310
Related: Reality Check
augustin desarae 

Sandy Cove - East of Marsilikos

It's the day after the dagger incident, and whilst that might not have gone as well as it could have, Desarae was perfectly recovered by the time the carriage had arrived back at the Ducal Palace. She had, in fact, felt terribly upset at her reaction to it, and after a thousand reassurances had been given Augustin, arrangements had been made for him to collect her the following day that they might have time together. The time had been arranged for two in the afternoon, and a short while later they'd stepped from the carriage and onto the sand at one of the coves a few miles to the east of the city. Florent had naturally accompanied the pair, though with Augustin also in attendance there's been less need for him to hover like a hawk about his ward and so he keeps a few paces distant. Beneath his watchful eye, the pair of them walk barefoot along the sand, Desarae with her hands holding her skirts hitched above her ankles to avoid the hems getting wet, the gentle ebb and flow of the water and sand underfoot bringing a quiet smile to her face. "How clever of you to think of here, Augustin. It's perfect. So quiet and peaceful, and the air is so clear."


Augustin is in a light tunic and pair of rough trousers for the walk on the beach, looking much more like a rough and tumble ort than a noble officer—and also out of all black for the first time since the incidents in Béziers. He's left the more formal clothes and his sword in the carriage, although he has an almost Cassiline like pair of daggers in his belt. He seems to care less about the surf hitting the hem of his pants, and smiles in respons to hers. "I figured you could do with some time out of the city proper. We often don't think of doing that for ourselves. I'm glad you're enjoying it." He looks out at the ocean. "Whatever else, the ocean that kisses Marsilikos is one of the most gorgeous in the world."


"We're so very blessed to have it," Desarae says. "It is so much bluer than the Straits that divide us from Alba. There, the water is colder and rougher. More violent, if you will." She bends to pick a pebble from the sand, and turns it over in her fingers, inspecting the veins of jewel-like colours that are enhanced by the stone being wet. "Look at this. It's so pretty." She holds it up for inspection. "A shame that if I ere to take it from here and place it in my room, it'll be dull and boring once dry. I suppose that it's like most things though, and nothing can be beautiful forever." She tosses the stone far out in the water, then turns to look at Augustin. "You sailed the seas to the north, didn't you? I seem to remember something about that. About you serving in the north, and not the south. Did you enjoy your time there?"


Augustin smiles a little bit. "Some things are most beautiful in their context; when they're taken away, they lose that beauty." He nods to her question. "I've served in both. We went to Camael; I served almost two years fighting the Skaldi, which included a lot of naval time, unsurprisingly for a Marine. I spent a lot of time in the south as well. I've been all over," he shakes his head. "I liked Alba and Eire. The Skaldi were…less pleasant. I liked most of the Camaelines, save for a few. There was a lot of unpleasantness at te end."


"Unpleasantness?" Desarae's eyes are questioning when they fix upon Augustin's. "Between you and the Camaelines?" A hand lifts to capture a strand of hair that's lifted from her head, and she holds it anchored back behind one ear whilst continuing to talk. "Is that why you left there and came to Marsilikos? I know that my aunt is grateful for you being here in the city, and for all the work that you do with the City Guard." She seems to have done her homework on her cousin, though whether through necessity, or simply because it's born of a curiousity to know more of him, might never be known. "Did I tell you? I am to start lessons soon with one of the Dahlia's. So I was thinking that perhaps I might start lessons with you too. The lessons we spoke of."


"A Basilisque lord used a Skaldi incursion over the border as basically an assassination attempt on a friend of mine, because he was in love with my friend's wife. He succeeded in killing my friend and almost killing me," Augustin explains, his voice almost distracted as he tells it. "We duelled, I left him crippled and facing his kinsman's justice." He smiles softly. "No, I went from Camlach to a whole lot of different places before I came here. I came here from the capital, recouperating after the worst summer of my life in La Serenissima," he offers with a snort, before he nods. "I hope Her Grace does. And yes, I'm still ready to teach you if you want to be taught. The dagger was part of it, a place to start."


Desarae nods. "I still feel bad about my reaction to it. It's just that it was, I don't know, unexpected. A dagger was the last thing I expected to see right then." She shakes her head, an earnestness to be found in both her face and her voice. "Apart from the witch, I don't expect to want to kill another person, but it would be good to know how to defend myself should the need arise." The water laps further over her toes, and she looks down at her feet. "Perhaps we could move a bit further up the sand and away from the water. I think I'd like to sit for a bit. That is, if you don't mind sitting on the sand with me." Keeping her skirts hitched shy of the water, she takes a few steps away from where it laps at the edge of the sand, puddles forming in the deepest parts of her footprints where she walks.


Augustin shakes his head. "I understand, and I wish that I'd thought it could do that. I am genuinely sorry," he says with a sigh and a shake of his head. "That's what I was thinking it would be more useful for, in the long run. Fortunately there is an extent to which knowing how to execute someone is the same as knowing how to defend against an attack. Which that dagger will be more useful for than the sword you'll use will be, given your build." He nods at her question, grinning slightly. "I don't mind getting a little sandy; Companions know I'm used to it by now."


"Of course, it is not guaranteed that I shall even be allowed to do it," Desarae says quietly. Strain shows in her voice as she speaks of the event, and with a sweep of her skirts to one side, she settles herself down on the sand. It's a glorious day, neither too hot nor too cold, and the beach holds the heat of the sun quite well. With a deep and cleansing breath, she closes her eyes against the sun and pushes her feet forward, burying her toes in the sand. "I don't suppose that I will wander around with the dagger stuck in my belt as you do," she eventually says. "But I could see myself learning to use a sword, or rapier. Lots of ladies do, after all, and I am quite nimble and quick, and dance tolerably well, or so people have said. It can only help, can it not? To be light on my feet?"


Augustin nods at that. "I gathered that Her Grace hadn't set it in stone yet," Augustin offers with a sigh. "I'm still not sure it is what would be best, but if you're committd then I'm committed to helping you." He chuckles. "Lots of women wear a belt knife, and this is just a slightly more…combat worthy belt knife." He nods to her comment as well. "For certain styles of fighting, absolutely. A rapier won't help chop someone's head off, but I'd be happy to teach you how to use one—or a longsword, if you're up for it." He smiles slightly. "I tend toward a faster, light on my feet style as well."


Desarae digs one hand into the sand, claiming a fistful of it which she holds over her shins, allowing it to trickle into a steady stream upon her legs. "Perhaps learning the rapier would be more a form of sport than anything else. But the , yes, that will be necessary for doing what must be done. All these things that I am about to embark on; the lessons arranged by my aunt included, will fill the time between now and my majority. The Vicomte de Landaul, a cousin on my father's side, has offered to teach me to ride. It's something that I've always wanted to do, though never had time until now. I may even get a horse of my own once things have settled." Her breath comes out in a sudden sigh, and pulling her knees up, she rests her chin atop them. "Do you keep your own horses here, cousin?"


"It's good to keep yourself fit, and it is enjoyable," Augustin agrees as to rapier as a sport. He nods. "You're in a very transitional period. There is a lot that will come up, and a lot that you will be able to do. I'm glad that you're getting to try things, even if the cause is unpleasant." He chuckles and shakes his head. "No, I don't actually own any horses currently. I had some in my name back in Evreux and Rouen, but I sold them to people who would actually use them while I was abroad. I'm not much of a rider, which is a shame for a chevalier. Are you looking forward to learning how to ride?"


Ongoing scene — log not finished.

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